If you forget your password, you can reset your password by following these steps:


Computer Software

1. Click "Forgot password" on the login page.


2. Enter the email account you registered with and a verification email will be sent to your mailbox.


3. Check your mailbox, copy the verification code, and click the link in the email. You will then enter the password reset page.


4. Input your new password and paste the verification code, then click "Reset password". After that, you can log into the AnkerWork Software with your new password.


Mobile App

1. Click "Forgot password" on the login page.


2. Enter the email account you registered with and a verification email will be sent to your mailbox.


3. Check your mailbox, copy the verification code, and click the link in the email. You will then enter the password reset page.


4. Input your new password and paste the verification code, then click "Reset password". After that, you can log into the AnkerWork app with your new password.