An account is not necessary for using AnkerWork app, but an account can help us reach out to you more easily if any campaign is available for AnkerWork users in the near future. If you want to sign up for an AnkerWork app account, please follow these steps:


Step One

After downloading the AnkerWork app and opening it, please choose your region in the upper right corner of the login page for mobile version and in the upper left corner of the login page for PC version.


AnkerWork stores and manages your personal information according to your country's data privacy laws. Make sure you select the same region as the region where you are using the device.


Step Two

You can click on "Sign up" in the lower right corner of the login page for mobile version and in the lower left corner of the login page for PC version. 

Regarding the password rules, you need to enter 8-20 characters (letters, numbers, and symbols only).


Step Three

Please check the service agreement which is necessary for signing up an account. You can also choose to receive our newsletter or not. Then click Sign up.


Step Four

After signing up successfully, you can log in. If you fail to enter the correct password 5 times in a row, the app will display an error message. Please then try again after 10 minutes.